
It is now February! The chickens have recovered from their molting experience and now have all their feathers back. The goats are scared of the snow (go figure), and we had to fix their hay bag after they ripped a huge hole in it. Good thing it is canvas, and easy to repair. The goats' shed door got stuck and would not open further than a foot, so we had to rip the wooden ramp out of the frozen ground. This was achieved with a shovel, a screwdriver, and some hot water to melt to frozen boards. On really cold days, when it gets 10 degrees Fahrenheit or below, the pond freezes enough to shovel off and skate on, so that has been fun. And that's about it for this time!

Alula checking out her new door situation

The pond almost frozen

(From Left to Right)
Pumpkin, Fennel,
(Chive is half in the picture)


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