Hello! I hope that everyone is staying well and at home during the coronavirus crisis. Several things have happened this month.
1: We moved the chickens into the shed with the goats.
This happened in many stages, as nothing works out on the first try. When we moved the chickens into the goats shed, we knew that we would have to construct some nesting boxes and a roost for them. Here is our first prototype:
The chickens did not really enjoy this setup, as the boxes were hard to get into, and the goats started climbing on them. We also found out that the goats really like eating chicken food, and that we would have to create a structure that was higher up off of the ground, so the goats could not eat the chicken food.
Our second prototype looked like this:
But the goats were still getting to the food. So we ripped the boxes off of the wall altogether, (the chickens didn't really like them anyway), and moved them.
Our final model looks like this:
And the nesting boxes got relocated to...
The blue thing, which is the hay bag, also got moved because the chickens started burrowing in there, and now it is hanging.
The goats and the chickens seem to be coexisting nicely!
The weather has been getting nicer, it is in the 40s and 50s most days. and the snow is finally melting! Here is a cute picture of the goats on a sunny day:
2: The second thing that happened this month is that we moved Maple inside to get some exercise! He has been hopping around our finished basement happily to stretch his legs, and once the weather gets nicer and consistently so, we will move him outside again.
3: The third thing that happened is that Birdy, our beta fish, passed on. He was a very pretty fish, and he lived to be over 3 years old.
Thanks for checking in!! See you next time, and stay sane while staying indoors!!
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